Storage & Virtualisation

Go beyond storage with Open Hyper-Convergence that Scales for the Ultimate Business Data Protection & Storage Optimisation.

Performance & Scale without Compromise

Built to maximise storage capacity, performance, and safeguard data for mission-critical operations where downtime is not an option. Globalgen offers unmatched data reliability in both software and hardware with copy-on-write and bit-rot detection ensuring the integrity of your data from write to read, unlimited snapshots, and resilient replication protect your data and facilitate recovery even in the face of hardware failure or malware

Go Beyond Storage

Secure storage of data is paramount to the integrity and operation of your business. Globalgen provides simple access to well-established Linux container ecosystem and makes application deployment easy. With support for KVM virtual machines, Kubernetes, and Docker containers, it’s easy to customise and add applications to suit a wide variety of business needs.

Ultimate Data Protection

When Downtime is Not an Option, our data storage comes with integrated data protection features including copy-on-write and data integrity checks to prevent corruption. Built-in RAID protection, unlimited snapshots, and resilient replication protect your data and facilitate recovery even in the face of hardware failure or malware such as Ransomware.

Flexible & Future-Proof

Whether you need a compact system for a remote office or a
high-performance, rack-scale solution, we can fit your needs. Grow your business from a few gigabytes to petabytes with performance tuned to fit the specific needs of your workload or application. Easily integrate into any environment with built-in support for all major hypervisors and cloud backup services. Get secure and flexible storage that adapts to your ever-changing business requirements.

Know Your Risks

Most businesses don't realise the lack of control they have over their data with shared servers, cloud storage, data leakages and 3rd parties having access to your data


As a businesses owner, you risk complete lose all of your data and hard work and need to commence all over again. Viruses and Ransomware are designed to spread across your business rendering your computer infrastructure completely unusable.

Data privacy

Your data is your data. You don’t want anybody to access it unless you allow them to. When you migrate sensitive data to the cloud, be aware that you might be losing essential privacy controls.
Legal Liability

Legal Liability

Businesses aren’t aware of the substantial penalties which can be imposed for non-compliance with the new small business ombudsman laws, which is up to $360,000 for individuals and $1.8 million for organisations.
Lack of Backup & Recovery

Lack of Backup & Recovery

Viruses and Ransomware are designed to spread across your business and workforce rendering your computer infrastructure completely unusable.

Control Your Data

Take Ownership and Control Over Your Data and Future Proof your Business Today!